Results from an EMSL Arrows Request

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Arrows Movie
#chemdb_queue_nwchem - version 1.0

#########################  START NWCHEM INPUT DECK - NWJOB 672272 ########################
# queue_nwchem_JobId: 60fe73517972a5ef7687ba35
# queue_nwchem_restart_count: 0
title "swnc: ovcb theory=dft xc=b3lyp formula=H4C1 charge=0 mult=1 machinejob:expert" 


start dft_b3lyp_H4C1

memory 1900 mb

charge 0

Al         6.65891        3.45804        0.73164
Cl         6.44923        1.46001        0.04538
Cl         8.58517        4.20248        0.16620
Cl         5.13870        4.71300       -0.07286
Cl         6.47763        3.57035        2.82597
Cl         6.59338        3.39252        2.90324
Al         1.62967       10.29779        5.40111
Cl         1.83936        8.29976        6.08736
Cl        -0.29658       11.04223        5.96655
Cl         3.14988       11.55275        6.20560
Cl         1.81096       10.41010        3.30678
Cl         1.69520       10.23227        3.22950
Al         1.21126       10.22146       11.53385
Cl         1.42095       12.21949       12.22010
Cl        -0.71499        9.47702       12.09929
Cl         2.73147        8.96650       12.33834
Cl         1.39255       10.10915        9.43952
Cl         1.27679       10.28698        9.36225
Al         6.24050        3.38171        6.86438
Cl         6.03081        5.37974        6.17813
Cl         8.16676        2.63727        6.29894
Cl         4.72029        2.12675        6.05989
Cl         6.05922        3.26940        8.95871
Cl         6.17497        3.44723        9.03598
N          7.52494       -0.53076        3.05779
C          6.44479       -0.16689        3.70295
H          6.49965        0.48289        4.36651
C          5.28519       -0.71544        3.41962
H          4.53140       -0.48425        3.91392
C          5.17865       -1.63333        2.39054
H          4.35416       -1.99721        2.15995
C          6.31906       -1.99584        1.71717
H          6.28408       -2.62236        1.03030
C          7.49487       -1.42814        2.06919
H          8.27832       -1.66069        1.62518
C          8.83521        0.03420        3.54473
H          8.67285        0.56223        4.34198
H          9.42195       -0.69902        3.78881
C          9.50526        0.86591        2.55490
H          8.94243        1.62376        2.33044
H          9.65714        0.35293        1.74538
C         10.83075        1.36111        3.09949
H         10.66429        1.97806        3.82929
H         11.32986        0.60874        3.45396
C         11.63350        2.03141        2.07900
H         11.86085        1.40488        1.38845
H         12.43696        2.37476        2.47763
H         11.12989        2.75642        1.70122
N          0.76365        6.30898        3.07496
C          1.84380        6.67286        2.42979
H          1.78894        7.32264        1.76623
C          3.00340        6.12431        2.71313
H          3.75719        6.35550        2.21883
C          3.10994        5.20642        3.74220
H          3.93443        4.84254        3.97279
C          1.96953        4.84391        4.41558
H          2.00451        4.21739        5.10244
C          0.79372        5.41161        4.06356
H          0.01027        5.17906        4.50757
C         -0.54662        6.87395        2.58802
H         -0.38426        7.40198        1.79076
H         -1.13336        6.14073        2.34393
C         -1.21667        7.70566        3.57784
H         -0.65384        8.46351        3.80230
H         -1.36855        7.19268        4.38736
C         -2.54216        8.20086        3.03325
H         -2.37570        8.81781        2.30346
H         -3.04127        7.44849        2.67878
C         -3.34492        8.87116        4.05374
H         -3.57226        8.24463        4.74429
H         -4.14837        9.21451        3.65512
H         -2.84131        9.59617        4.43152
N          0.34524       14.21026        9.20770
C          1.42539       13.84639        8.56254
H          1.37053       13.19661        7.89897
C          2.58499       14.39494        8.84587
H          3.33878       14.16375        8.35157
C          2.69153       15.31283        9.87494
H          3.51602       15.67671       10.10553
C          1.55112       15.67534       10.54832
H          1.58610       16.30186       11.23519
C          0.37531       15.10764       10.19630
H         -0.40814       15.34019       10.64031
C         -0.96503       13.64530        8.72076
H         -0.80267       13.11727        7.92350
H         -1.55177       14.37852        8.47668
C         -1.63508       12.81359        9.71059
H         -1.07225       12.05574        9.93504
H         -1.78696       13.32657       10.52011
C         -2.96057       12.31839        9.16600
H         -2.79411       11.70144        8.43620
H         -3.45968       13.07076        8.81153
C         -3.76333       11.64809       10.18649
H         -3.99068       12.27461       10.87703
H         -4.56678       11.30474        9.78786
H         -3.25972       10.92308       10.56426
N          7.10653        7.37051        9.19053
C          6.02638        7.00664        9.83569
H          6.08124        6.35686       10.49926
C          4.86678        7.55519        9.55236
H          4.11299        7.32400       10.04666
C          4.76024        8.47308        8.52329
H          3.93574        8.83696        8.29270
C          5.90065        8.83559        7.84991
H          5.86566        9.46211        7.16304
C          7.07646        8.26789        8.20193
H          7.85990        8.50044        7.75792
C          8.41679        6.80555        9.67747
H          8.25443        6.27752       10.47473
H          9.00354        7.53877        9.92155
C          9.08685        5.97384        8.68764
H          8.52402        5.21599        8.46319
H          9.23873        6.48682        7.87812
C         10.41234        5.47864        9.23223
H         10.24588        4.86169        9.96203
H         10.91145        6.23101        9.58670
C         11.21509        4.80834        8.21174
H         11.44244        5.43486        7.52120
H         12.01855        4.46499        8.61037
H         10.71148        4.08333        7.83397

basis "ao basis" cartesian print
 H library "6-311++G(2d,2p)"
 C library "6-311++G(2d,2p)"

  grid nodisk
  mult 1
  xc b3lyp

  iterations 5001

driver; default; maxiter 50; clear; end
task dft optimize ignore
task dft freq numerical
unset dft:converged
unset scf:converged
   do_gasphase .true.
   rsolv  0.0
   ifscrn 2
   minbem 3
   maxbem 3
   radius 1.404 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.404 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.404 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.404 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 2.126 1.635 1.172 1.635 1.172 1.635 1.172 1.635 1.172 1.635 1.172 1.635 1.172 1.172 1.635 1.172 1.172 2.096 1.172 1.172 2.096 1.172 1.172 1.172 2.126 1.635 1.172 1.635 1.172 1.635 1.172 1.635 1.172 1.635 1.172 1.635 1.172 1.172 1.635 1.172 1.172 2.096 1.172 1.172 2.096 1.172 1.172 1.172 2.126 1.635 1.172 1.635 1.172 1.635 1.172 1.635 1.172 1.635 1.172 1.635 1.172 1.172 1.635 1.172 1.172 2.096 1.172 1.172 2.096 1.172 1.172 1.172 2.126 1.635 1.172 1.635 1.172 1.635 1.172 1.635 1.172 1.635 1.172 1.635 1.172 1.172 1.635 1.172 1.172 2.096 1.172 1.172 2.096 1.172 1.172 1.172 
task dft energy ignore

### Generating HOMO and LUMO Gaussian cube files ###
   TITLE HOMO_Orbital
   vectors dft_b3lyp_H4C1.movecs
   -15.0 15.0 96
   -15.0 15.0 96
   -15.0 15.0 96
   spin total
   orbitals view
   output homo-restricted.cube
task dplot
   TITLE LUMO_Orbital
   vectors dft_b3lyp_H4C1.movecs
   -15.0 15.0 96
   -15.0 15.0 96
   -15.0 15.0 96
   spin total
   orbitals view
   output lumo-restricted.cube
task dplot
# queue_name: nwchem :queue_name
# label:nwchem-606.nw AlCl4nPyCl :label

#########################  END   NWCHEM INPUT DECK - NWJOB 672272 ########################