Results from an EMSL Arrows Request
Making molecular modeling accessible by combining NWChem, databases, web APIs (, and email (
#chemdb_queue_nwchem - version 1.0 ######################### START NWCHEM INPUT DECK - NWJOB 1710916 ######################## # # queue_nwchem_JobId: 66b5266db8df5b11364e9653 # queue_nwchem_restart_count: 0 # echo start pspw_hf_LiH memory heap 1200 mb stack 1200 mb global 10 mb charge 0 geometry Li 0.00000 0.00000 -0.65000 H 0.00000 0.00000 0.65000 end nwpw ### pseudopotential block begin ### ### pseudopotential block end ### simulation_cell SC 28.345889835 boundary_conditions periodic end cutoff 50.0 mult 1 xc hf lmbfgs tolerances 1.0e-9 1.0e-9 virtual 1 end set nwpw:cif_filename LiH #set nwpw:CI_maxit_orb 15 #set nwpw:CI_maxit_linesearch 15 set pspw:HFX_screening_radius 14.0 set nwpw:2qintegrals .true. set nwpw:3x3_virtual .true. task pspw energy ### Generating HOMO and LUMO Gaussian cube files ### nwpw dplot orbital 1 homo-restricted.cube density total density.cube end end task pspw pspw_dplot nwpw dplot vectors pspw_hf_LiH.emovecs orbital 1 lumo1-restricted.cube end end task pspw pspw_dplot # queue_name: nwchem :queue_name # label:nwchem-142.nw NWChem Job #142 :label ######################### END NWCHEM INPUT DECK - NWJOB 1710916 ########################